Pilot’s Contest

Hey guys; Pilot here,

Just reminding you about the contest I am holding to try to reduce my carbon paw-print.

I know that I know everything there is to know about the environment. Ask me anything! I can give you all sorts of tips and tricks. After all, with my short legs I am much closer to the ground than my owners. I am the one who comes into contact with the floor cleaner, I can taste the dish soap when I lick my bowl clean and I can always tell which grass has the most pesticides when I run around and play. I’m not the only pet who knows how to stay environmentally aware. I’ll bet your pet probably knows a thing or two about how to be more eco-friendly. 

Humans; take photos of your pets and add a message (using ‘Impact’ font) stating what you do to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly. It can be anything from carpooling to using sustainable pet soap to making your own eco-friendly hair dye! If you don’t have a pet, not to worry. You can use a photo of any animal you find. If you have a snap shot with an interesting looking creature you can use that, or feel free to search the internet for a photo of a cute animal.. that is if you can find one! You can email them right to me, pilot@takeactionfilms.com Note the name of your pet, your own name and where you live in the email. I can’t wait!

So far we have highlighted Bruce the Kitty from Thornhill, The “fur family”, and Misty the carpooling dog Those that appear on our blog will be automatically entered in a draw to win fantastic prizes. Submit early and submit often.


Love Pilot

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